Friday, May 15, 2009

Museum Manners, Part Dva

I like what this guy has to say. I just recently added "Taking pictures with cellphones" and "Taking pictures in art museums" to my list of Things I Think Are Stupid. (Yes, I do actually have a list of things I think are stupid.) Largely inspired by my visit to the Louvre on the first Sunday (read: free (read: terribly packed with tourists)) of April. I have no picture of Mona Lisa.

Please note I did not write "People who take pictures with cellphones" or "People who take pictures in art museums." If you take pictures with your cellphone and you are reading this, chances are I still want to be your friend. Also I have been guilty of both in the past (the latter more than the former). So, no offense intended.

In other news, I'M HOME! Maybe some pictures of what I have returned to are to come. Maybe this blog will die now that I'm not abroad any longer. Only time will tell.


  1. Or it can continue to rain Chart thoughts down on the masses...we sit in anxious anticipation for some sort of Prague summary. Your story needs an ending/new beginning.

  2. Caitlin, it has been an absolute pleasure reading your blog. Keep it going! Although I would also be more than thrilled to hear your stories in person...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm going to go ahead and disagree with Stacy here. I prefer my Chart thoughts filtered through an online media interface. person? Who does that anymore?
