Monday, January 19, 2009

The Familiar Vineyard

The Hart yard actually does grow vines -- and grape vines, at that! However, I do not have a photograph of them. Instead, the Hart house. Just as good. Actually, better.

The vineyard quotation comes from Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire. Appropriate not only for travel, but for my travels: my apartment in Praha 2 is in the neighborhood Vinohrady, where King Charles IV planted vineyards in the 14th century. Pretty neat.

The day after tomorrow it is. I'll go from rural to urban, a population of 1,500 to a population of 1.2 million, English to Czech, seacoast to landlock (weird), etc., etc., etc. At least the climate and the racial/cultural homogeneity will be the same. (Comforting.)*

OKAY. This traveling girl should stop typing and start packing. After all, I've got to double-Czech (ha! FORGIVE ME. The first AND the last Czech pun I'll make... unless I find a wonderfully tacky t-shirt or something. Then I guess I'll wear the pun, not make it...?) that I have all I'll need to explore (and hopefully embrace) my mysterious Czech/Slovak heritage.

Two days and it will be a scary 'goodbye' to my familiar vineyard and in three (sort of) an exciting 'dobrĂ½ den' to my new one. Let us hope that the wine there will be just as sweet!



  1. Hahahah, great pun! :) Don't hold back, you know they're awesome.

  2. Will you get me a tacky Czech shirt with a pun on it? PLEASE?!

  3. no diggity. who else would i be a shameless tourist for??
